Last week President Obama said that he wanted to “go Bulworth”. I think it’s great that this wonderful film has now entered the language as a metaphor for telling the truth at all (sometimes extreme) costs. I was lucky to get the call to create the poster for Warren Beatty waybackwhen. So, of course, I wanted to weigh in on this. The assignment for the Washington Post (GREAT THANKS to Carlos Lozada, Marisa Bellack, eds, , Marianne Seregi, AD, and special thanks to artist and friend Sue Blubaugh, who started this whole thing rolling!) was to find other movies that may have influenced Obama as well. 
bulworth_ver1My original image: the poster Warren Beatty commissioned, 1998.

Obama as Bulworth

My idea of what an Obama Bulworth might look like.


Mr Smith Final

‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’

A politician’s good intentions mess with people’s minds.


Manchurian Candidate Final

“The Manchurian Candidate” It’s not easy to do the right thing when outside forces are trying to corrupt your thoughts.


All the President's Men Final

‘All the President’s Men’

The White House goes after whistleblowers while banishing reporters to the sub-basement.


Being There Fin

‘Being There’

Clueless aides are sent to media interviews to spout impressive-sounding nonsense.


Dave Final


The president is asleep while his administration carries on.